The construction industry is a major driving force for Hong Kong's economic growth and social development. Nearly 350,000 people are employed in the industry, which is 9% of the total workforce. It is estimated that the total construction expenditure will gradually increase to around HK$300 billion per annum. The demand for knowledge-based workers and professionals will be steadily increased.
The development of "Construction 2.0" leads the construction industry to reform by advocating "innovation", "professionalisation" and "revitalisation", so as to uplift the productivity and skill level of the sector. Wider use of I&T and Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) will also be promoted to shorten construction timeand enhance productivity as well assafety in construction sites. Notable MiC pilot projects included the transitional housing project at Nam Cheong 220, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation's InnoCell and the Married Quarters for the Fire Services Department at Pak Shing Kok in Tseung Kwan O.
Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) is a member organisation of the Construction Industry Council (CIC). A total of 29 qualifications are being recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF). They include 4 Advanced Diploma Programmes, 5 streams of Professional Diploma in Construction for Specialist Trades being recognised as QF Level 4, 10 streams of Diploma in Construction and 2 programmes for construction safety supervisors being recognised as QF Level 3, and 8 streams of Full-time Certificate in Construction being recognised as QF Level 2.