Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) has always been a key driver of manpower development in Hong Kong for meeting the needs of the ever-changing economy. The Government is committed to promoting VPET as a preferred choice, with a view to enabling young people to acquire work skills for the future, applied knowledge in innovation and technology, and critical soft skills for career progression in the new digital age, achieving "masters of each trade". As such, VPET plays a pivotal role in broadening the learning opportunities for young people and working adults as well as nurturing the requisite human capital for Hong Kong's development.
Multiple and Flexible Pathways of VPET
The Government's policy has all along been to providing quality, flexible, and diversified study pathways with multiple entry and exit points for young people with different aspirations and abilities through VPET. The Government has rebranded vocational education and training in Hong Kong as "vocational and professional education and training" covering programmes up to degree level with a high percentage of curriculum consisting of specialised contents in vocational skills or professional knowledge.
As evident from the graph below, VPET is provided at different levels of the education system, offering diploma to degree qualifications and beyond. Students are exposed to VPET from secondary school onwards through a variety of learning opportunities. This is supported by a vibrant VPET sector comprising a wide variety of programme providers, including the UGC-funded universities, post-secondary education, training institutions and Corporate Tech Academy Network (CTAN).